Oral surgery
In our practice, we perform outpatient surgeries under local anesthesia and sedation in cooperation with experienced anesthetists. For this purpose serves a modern operating room.
- wisdom teeth removal
- extraction of bent and dislocated teeth, tooth germs
- auto transplantation and replantation of teeth
- resection of root tips with removal of follicles (cysts)
- periodontal surgery
- surgical treatment to improve denture-bearing
- osteoplasty - jaw adjustment and filling the jaw bone defects with the use of bio-technology PRGF, GTR, GBR
- surgical treatment of benign and malignant tumours (surgical treatment of all benign and some malignant tumours in the facial area and in the oral cavity, including reconstructive surgery)
Diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory diseases, disorders and pain syndromes
- digital radio-diagnosis - we use modern digital X-ray devices, whose advantage is the significant reduction of radiation exposure - at Panorama devices up to 50%.
- diagnosis and treatment of jaw inflammation of dental origin
- the treatment of maxillary sinusitis of dental origin
- the treatment of salivary gland diseases
- treatment of diseases of the maxillofacial nerves
- the treatment of functional disorders of the temporomandibular joints, including rehabilitation
Lokální anestezie
Lokální anestezie (místní umrtvení) je téměř každému známa. Provedení injekce do sliznice může být pomocí anestézie ve spreji nebo masti připraveno tak, že potřebná oblast k ošetření je předem tímto způsoben znecitlivěna a tak podání injekční anestézie je zcela bezbolestné.
Anestezie - analgosedace
Ošetření bez strachu a bolesti – pro velmi citlivé lidi jsou dnes k disposici obzvlášť účinné metody anestezie. Při analgosedaci je pacient lehce uvolněn, zbaven stresu a proces ošetření urychlen.